Contributing Writer

SW Medium Contributor Program Guideline

Step 1: Join the LinkedIn Group

  1. To begin your journey with the SW Medium Contributor Program, join our dedicated LinkedIn group: Startup Writer Medium Publication.
Step 2: Choose a Topic

  1. Explore the pinned comment within the group to find a curated list of topics.
  2. Select a topic that aligns with your interests, expertise, or the current theme of the publication.
Step 3: Write a Wonderful Article

  1. Craft a high-quality article addressing the chosen topic.
  2. Ensure your content is well-researched, engaging, and provides value to the readers.
  3. Aim for originality and creativity in your writing approach.
Step 4: Submit Your Draft

  1. Once your article is ready, make it a draft on Medium.
  2. Submit the draft link through our provided submission form: Submission Link.
    • > If you're already added to the SW publication, you can directly add the draft to the publication.
Step 5: Approval Process

  1. Our editorial team will review your submitted draft.
  2. If your article meets our quality standards and aligns with the publication's theme, it will be accepted for publishing.
Step 6: Publication and Distribution

  1. Upon acceptance, your article will be published on the Startup Writer Medium Publication.
  2. Share your published article across your social networks and communities to maximize engagement.
Step 7: Monthly Performance Rewards

  1. At the end of each month, the top five performing and high-quality articles will be rewarded with $10 each.
  2. The performance of articles will be based on engagement metrics such as views, reads, and reader feedback.
Step 8: Repeat the Process

  1. Continue participating in the SW Medium Contributor Program by selecting new topics and submitting fresh articles.
  2. Over time, build a strong portfolio of published articles and earn extra income while honing your writing skills.

By following these guidelines diligently, you can leverage the SW Medium Contributor Program to enhance your writing journey, gain exposure, and potentially earn rewards for your contributions to our publication.

Join us today and embark on a rewarding writing adventure with Startup Writer Medium Publication!

At the end of each month, we recognize and reward the top-performing contributors for their outstanding articles. Here's how the rewards work:

  • > Monthly Cash Prizes: The top five articles, based on performance and quality, will each receive a cash prize of $10.

To receive your reward, ensure you provide your PayPal or Payoneer ID along with your submission. We'll transfer the reward amount directly to your account upon selection.

Join the SW Medium Contributor Program, share your insights, and stand a chance to earn cash rewards while building your portfolio!

To submit your article for consideration and be eligible for rewards, please follow these steps:

  1. Write a high-quality article based on one of the topics listed in the pinned comment of the Startup Writer Medium Publication LinkedIn group.
  2. Make your article a draft on Medium.
  3. Submit the draft link through our provided submission form: [Submission Link.]
  4. Include your PayPal or Payoneer ID with your submission to ensure timely payment of rewards if your article is selected.
  5. Our editorial team will review your submission, and if accepted, your article will be published on the Startup Writer Medium Publication.

Thank you for your contributions, and we look forward to reading your insightful articles!